Occupational Therapy and the NDIS

Occupational Therapy and the NDIS

Occupational therapy on the NDIS is defined as the use of particular activities to recuperate from an accident or illness that has hampered a patient either mentally and physically. These activities range from physical activities to help regain use of certain muscle groups to mental activities stimulating different parts of a patient’s brain. Sessions are carried out by trained occupational therapists who are highly skilled in their field. The goal of occupational therapy is for patients to regain the powers they once had. It should help patients find their way in society once more whether that be through physical rehabilitation or help with socialisation. Therapy is completely client centred and each patient should have his or her own set of individual goals.

Occupational therapy through the NDIS can be undertaken by any party that qualifies for it. Men, women and children of all ages can be helped by occupational therapists in order to recover. Children can be helped to develop their motor skills as they grow up as well as incorporating the help of their parents and carers, so they carry on the course of normal development.

Occupational therapy on the NDIS can be used to help elderly patients too. Patients who may have had surgery later in life or a severe heart attack or stroke may need special rehabilitation in order to get back to close to how they were before. Treatment can also mean making adjustments to their living situation so the patient feels capable of living within their means, and most importantly in safety. Some patients also need to be educated in using aids that can help them.

Occupational therapy on the NDIS can help patients that suffer from one off severe accidents such as those associated with burn victims or those who have been involved in crashes. Therapists will assess each patient’s needs and ascribe the right rehabilitation to be undertaken. Mental health patients can also be helped under this scheme and by occupational therapists. Many patients suffer in social situations, so therapists aim to improve confidence as well as developing coping mechanisms for when they feel unwell. Activities are planned in both individual and group settings.

Allowing occupational therapy on the NDIS has many benefits. In older patients it encourages exercise. Older people can feel themselves isolated and becoming less mobile as they grow older however occupational therapists can show them strengthen exercises and activities to improve balance which will reduce the risk of falls and injuries as they age. Therapists can also make sure their safety on the road is improved and can schedule training to help them deal with any changes patients may need to make to their vehicles after injury.

Occupational therapy on the NDIS can also help patients that suffer from chronic diseases associated with older people such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or other diseases. Repetitive physical activity can help those with Parkinson’s while those with Multiple Sclerosis can have programmes designed that test and develop their mental abilities to slow and prevent the onset of symptoms.

Occupational therapy on the NDIS is especially beneficial for those who have had an accident and need some help in their recovery. Depending on the severity of the injury, the speed at which patients can make a full recovery can vary. Occupational therapists can help not only with the physical side of the recovery but also the mental side. They can assist with patients integrating back into their communities. This adds to an occupational therapist’s worth to a patient as they can be both a friend and a counsellor for the patient to lean on in tough times.